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Jack Sheppard's Quarrel with Jonathan Wild 254 IV. A cup of lies. Sheppard: "but avoid that man as you would a serpent. His face was downcast. To Ruth came that of the great world, her lawful lover at her side; and there would be glorious books into each of which he would unconsciously put a little of her soul along with his own, needing her always. He hated travelling second-class with her—indeed, he never did—but he also disliked travelling in the same train when his daughter was in an inferior class, because of the look of the thing. And he, her lawful husband, dared not go to her and console her! Accursed—all of them— Enschede, Ruth, and himself. Sheppard, paralysed by the threat. Still, in spite of her glances and gestures, Mr.


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